Whilst we took every possible care when we designed this website, ULO can not guarantee that it is current, correct or complete or be held responsible for the information provided therein. All information on this website is provided without any obligation whatsoever and ULO does not give any assurances or warranties, explicitly or implicitly, of any kind. ULO rejects any liability, unless acceptance of such a liability is obligatory due to malicious intent or gross negligence or is founded in law.
ULO reserves the right to change, to amend or delete parts of pages or the whole content of the website without giving prior notice or to close it down temporarily or permanently, and is under no obligation to update the content of the website.
Third party owned websites and their content that may be accessed by hyperlink from our website are not within our control and influence, and by placing a link on its website, ULO does not take on any responsibility for such third party websites and their content. The content of all linked sites remains the sole responsibility of their owner or operator. ULO does not accept any responsibility for the content of third party sites. At the time of placing a link, all linked sites were reviewed for possible infringement. Permanent control of the content of linked sites without concrete indications of infringement would be unreasonable. Whenever infringements become known, all concerned links will be removed immediately. Links to third party websites are used at the sole risk of the person doing so and any liability for damage from accessing third party sites is explicitly excluded.
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We explicitly want to point out that photos shown on our website may be subject to intellectual property rights of third parties.